
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Rough Being Me (not)!

Despite the upheaval in my personal life this year a large number of friends and co-workers have recently commented on how happy I seem.  It was summed up quite nicely today when I broke a nail. 

See, I have very little vanity, but my nails are my weakness/strength.  I have natural nails that are unusually strong, long and healthy.  They are low maintenance, even when I ignore them they look good.  I do frequently pamper myself with DIY manicures, and I admit have a bit of a polish addiction.  So today when my index finger nail broke, 2 days before a big weekend full of social plans, I was bummed.  And I admit I whined for a bit.  Okay, it was actually 2 hours of whining.  And then I realized something, this was the only thing in my life to whine about. 

For the first time in years, I have nothing more than a broken nail to weigh my spirit down.  My bills are all paid, my health is good, my loved ones are safe.  I have some money in the bank, I have a job, I have a place to live.   If all I have to complain about is a broken nail, I should stop wasting my time with complaining and start thanking God for my blessings.   So I did.   And then I made plans to go get acrylic nails for the weekend.   God still loves me, even if I'm silly and slightly vain. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Still crazy busy (with pictures)

ETA:  I've linked this to the Christmas Tree Party:

Somehow I've found myself volunteered to help plan and host a children's party at my office.  I work with around 40 people, and there are 9 kids (ages newborn to seven) who will be attending.   We haven't done a children's Christmas party in awhile, it went away when the budget had to be tightened.   This year a co-worker (a child free one) asked if we could hold it, if it was funded by her.   The Powers that Be agreed, and somewhere along the lines it went from my coworker planning it, to me planning it.   I've decided we're doing a sugar cookie decorating party.  I have it on good authority that kids LOVE sprinkles.  As do I. 

I finished the Oreo Truffles and the Christmas Pretzel Mix this morning, so tonight I will be boxing them up.  I made labels for the boxes/bags, so I won't be tempted to open them.  I also brought in all the extra pretzel mix and my coworkers have snacked on it all day. 

This is a picture of my Christmas tree.  I had a regular tree, the prelit kind which I scored on clearance at WalMart for $2.97, but it had colored lights.  I dislike colored lights, I prefer white lights, but my ex insisted on having his way when I bought it.  So once the divorce was final I gave the thing away, along with all my Christmas ornaments and decorations we'd bought together.  I kept everything I'd made, or that a family member had made though.  This year I wanted something "fresh" and cheap.  Mostly cheap.  

Twigs from the lot across the street:  free. 
Ribbon: 50% off at Hobby Lobby, under $10 total. (Aqua, Hot Pink, Lime and White)
Glass Ornaments:  I already had clear ornaments that I used to make glittery ornaments with $2 worth of glitter.
Unbreakable Ornaments in new colors: $3 at Dollar General for 20.
Glass Vases, Pebbles for Base: Already had those. 
Lights: $5.  I loaned some to a friend for her Halloween party and forgot to get them back. 
Tulle for table top: $2 (the three colors are layered but you can't tell in the picture)
White paint for twigs: $1

So for $23 I have a new "tree".  The best part is that it makes me really happy.   Aqua is one of the colors in my main living area, so I'm thinking about just removing the pink and lime elements and leaving it up year round.

Here's the ornament my Mom sent me:

It was in one of my care packages this fall.  Yes, I'm 40 and my Mom still sends me care packages, she's just awesome like that. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I swear I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  I was gone the last part of November to my hometown, where I can't get reliable internet.  Now that I'm caught up at work, I've started the holiday madness.  Although all of my presents are bought but 2 small items, I'm in the middle of a baking frenzy.   I'll update with progress soon.