
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Rough Being Me (not)!

Despite the upheaval in my personal life this year a large number of friends and co-workers have recently commented on how happy I seem.  It was summed up quite nicely today when I broke a nail. 

See, I have very little vanity, but my nails are my weakness/strength.  I have natural nails that are unusually strong, long and healthy.  They are low maintenance, even when I ignore them they look good.  I do frequently pamper myself with DIY manicures, and I admit have a bit of a polish addiction.  So today when my index finger nail broke, 2 days before a big weekend full of social plans, I was bummed.  And I admit I whined for a bit.  Okay, it was actually 2 hours of whining.  And then I realized something, this was the only thing in my life to whine about. 

For the first time in years, I have nothing more than a broken nail to weigh my spirit down.  My bills are all paid, my health is good, my loved ones are safe.  I have some money in the bank, I have a job, I have a place to live.   If all I have to complain about is a broken nail, I should stop wasting my time with complaining and start thanking God for my blessings.   So I did.   And then I made plans to go get acrylic nails for the weekend.   God still loves me, even if I'm silly and slightly vain. 


  1. My nails are pretty much disgusting, I wish I cared about them more, they are pretty much the only thing that I don't pay too much attention to.

  2. I'm trying to think if I have anything to complain about....still thinking....nope, can't think of a single thing. Wow, are we doing great or what!?!
    Happy for you my dear, very happy!

  3. My nails are a mess but being in healthcare we arent allowed to wear acrylic nails. And so far even though there are little things I could complain about I refuse to let it get to me.

  4. Okay where are you? I got my nails done today!Post so we don't worry.....
