
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Good, Bad, Awesome

It's been a busy week for me, and this blog is suffering for lack of attention.   I'm going to copy the theme of Mysti's post over at makingsenseofcents and just give you the highlights of my week.

The GOOD: 

I've updated my information and name change with Social Security and the DMV.  I am in possession of  my new driver's license, which I won't have to renew again until 2020.   

I found out that you can wash potatoes in your dishwasher.  I put all 10 pounds of potatoes in the top rack and ran the dishwasher as usual, omitting the detergent.   Then I baked the potatoes in the oven.  Once they cooled down, I sliced them open and scooped out the insides for Loaded Baked Potato Soup.  Yummy.  And economical since I bought the potatoes on sale last weekend for $2.88 for 10 pounds.  

The BAD:

The driver's license cost me $54.25.  That's more than I was expecting, the last time I updated my address it was only $10.   I was expecting it to cost about $25 dollars.

I have $5 in cash and $3.64 in the bank until I get paid next week.  It shouldn't be a problem, but that's cutting it a little too close. 


My cousin's currently unemployed husband fixed a bunch of things that were wrong with my Mom's car.  I worry about her and it's nice to know that she's all set mechanically for awhile.  For $500 he changed the oil, replaced the radiator, fixed the headlights, replaced the tie-rods, replaced the busted wheel covers, detailed the car, put in new floor mates, seat covers and steering wheel cover.  He also pounded out most of the dents where a deer had hit it, and tuned it up.   She says it's like having a new car.

Also awesome:  The debt I owe to Home Depot is actually on my Mom's card.  I recently changed banks, and in order to change my method of payment on the HD website I needed some information from her; the card security number and the last 4 digits of her social security number.  She ended up making a payment in person because we couldn't seem to connect on the phone for a couple of weeks.  I called her and she was moving into her new house, and she'd call me and I was driving, etc.    Anyway, when she made the payment, she took the money she'd made from selling my Dad's old tractor and put half of it toward the HD card.   It almost paid half of the balance, so I should be able to wipe out the remaining balance soon.   

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging Dy! I see you're just getting started. I've been blogging since 2007 but it's only been the last year and a bit that I've connected with so many amazing PF bloggers. There is definitely strength in numbers and these folks are the best. Sometimes I wonder what I did without them!
    PS Moms are AWESOME aren't they??
